Collection: Pet Nat

Short for Pétillant Naturel, this sparkling wine is made using an ancient method known as “méthode ancestrale,” which predates the Champagne method by centuries. The key difference lies in its simplicity and natural approach to creating a sparkling wine.

Unlike traditional sparkling wines, Pét-Nat is bottled before the primary fermentation is complete, allowing the wine to finish fermenting in the bottle. This process traps the natural carbon dioxide, creating a gentle, fizzy sparkle. The result is a wine that is often slightly cloudy, as it retains its natural sediments. 

The beauty of Pét-Nat lies in its unpredictability. Each bottle is a unique expression of its grape variety, terroir, and the winemaker’s touch. It’s typically lower in alcohol and can range from dry to slightly sweet, offering a spectrum of flavours from crisp and fruity to earthy and funky.